The real treasure found with puppetry is that they bring elements of magic, wonder, and awe to every moment. This has been my aim all along with puppets: introduce or inspire as many people as I can to get involved with puppetry. This weekend was no exception. I had my puppets for sale out at Treasure Fest on Treasure Island, San Francisco. This event is known for supporting local artisans making a living out of selling their art. I have sold my puppets there for about 2 years now and loved being a part of it. This was the last one on the island so me and my puppets had to be there. For two days, my puppets came alive and made people smile. Shoppers would become curious and come closer and engage! As the puppeteer, I get to witness first hand (for real, it is my hand in there!) joy when the audience believes this creature is real and talking to them! I am lucky enough to explore this with my peculiar puppet pals and hopefully share with as many people as possible. Puppets make that possible. Yay! Puppet flailing arms!
It is tough to be so out there with my puppets, but it gives me a way to engage that is fun and creative and open to new ideas and opportunities. Bring it! I made it into the SF Chronicle about Treasure Fest and it’s last time on the island. Nice to be a part of Treasure Fest for the last couple of years and hope for more fun at future fests!
How can you get a puppet into your hands? My etsy is not always current with new listings but I try to put my new puppets up on instagram first. You can contact me via Instagram, Etsy, Facebook, or email me