I decided to challenge myself again with a puppet video-a-day project for February (yes, I planned it on the shortest month). I think I was mostly successful without beating myself up over the specifics. Making puppet videos was far out of my comfort zone. I barely had any practice. So of course it was harder […]
Make Your Inner Monster Puppet
Make Your Inner Monster Puppet: A Unicorn Scouts WhimsyShop Sunday, January 29, 2017 at 1 PM – 3:30 PM @ The Unicorn Estate (In San Leandro, CA, address available after you sign up) The amazingly talented Sarah McPenguin – the artist behind Paisley’s Puppets – has agreed to run a WHIMSYshop (because The Unicorn […]
October Puppet-A-Day Challenge
October is always my favorite month. I love the fall colors, the pumpkins, and of course the costumes! I am a maker and cannot resist making things. So this October, I decided to challenge myself and make a puppet every day. I knew it would be a challenge, and named it as such. I stuck […]
Puppets for my favorite band, Ween!
So, I have been obsessed with the band Ween since I was a teenager. Their sound is eclectic/weird rock and blows my mind with every song. They just reunited after a 4 year break and I got to see them in San Francisco two nights in a row. To show my ultimate fan status, I […]

Paisley’s Puppets go to the Playa
So happy to announce that Paisley’s Puppets is launched. I sent my first two commissioned puppets off to their new home! Then I went off to the playa with my own puppets. Coincidentally, the two new puppets ended up going to the playa, too. Please enjoy some fantastic photos of my puppets on the playa!